Mafia Stories
Salvatore Maranzano
Was there really a Mafia boss of bosses in America? A man more powerful than Al Capone, Lucky Luciano or Meyer Lansky? Salvatore Maranz...
Carlos Marcello
One of the most stolid, hardline crime family bosses in the country, Carlos Marcello ran New Orleans and Louisiana like a closed shop—a tra...
Marion Penitentiary
It became home for Mafia boss John Gotti after his conviction in 1992. It was also labeled inhumane by Amnesty International. It is the U...
Giuseppe “Joe the Boss” Masseria
By the mid-1920s Joe the Boss Masseria was the undisputed boss of the New York Mafia, a tribute to treachery, extreme good luck and a willi...
Joseph Massino
To all outward appearances, Joe Massino is hardly a charismatic Mafia don. By looks he could be said to resemble the murderous Luca Brasi, ...
Charles Matranga
After the infamous mass lynching of mafioso criminals in New Orleans in 1891—an incident clearly accompanied by strong, general anti-Italian...
Mickey Mouse Mafia
The Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco crime families are known to criminal groups and crime-fighters alike as the Mickey...
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